Success is defined as the PROGRESSIVE
As the old saying goes, you don't
get something for it goes
with your health.
You can have a great deal of
control over your health.
All you have to do is make a
decision to do what it takes to be
If you seriously follow the
action steps listed below you can
empower yourself with the "tools"
necessary to be healthy.
Go for it...You deserve it.
The team at Chiropractic &
Nutrition Wellness Center are behind you
Thoughts are
"Whatever the MIND OF MAN can
order for you to achieve wellness, you
must first imagine in your mind that it
is possible. You have to deeply grasp
that wellness is attainable.
Perhaps many of your attempts have
failed to permanently relieve your pain,
or your quality of life has eroded your
ability to freely imagine wellness. I
would like to say that all has not been
lost if you have not tried (and given it
a good trial) our methods of
chiropractic and nutritional health
care. Our
methods are unique and very
comprehensive. Many people have
regained their health through careful
and methodical application of the
healing methods used at Dr. Karl R.O.S.
Johnson's office. You may be able to
achieve wellness on.
Six definite, practical steps by
which DESIRE for richness of health can
be transmuted into its physical
1. Fix in your
mind the EXACT type of health you
It is not sufficient merely to
say, "I want to be healthy." Be definite
as to what degree of health you desire.
For instance:
- Do you merely want pain relief?
- Do you want optimum physical,
mental, nutritional & social
- Do you want to restore your
quality of life?
- Do you desire to return to your
previous employment capability?
- Do you want to prevent this
problem from recurring?
- Do you also want all of this for
your family?
2. Determine
exactly what you intend to GIVE in
for the degree of health you
desire. (There is no such reality as
"something for nothing.")
- Are you willing to follow your
doctor's advice?
- Are you willing to exercise?
- Are you willing to take your
supplements and alter your eating
- Are you willing to keep your
- Are you willing to pay for your
health (Time, Energy and Resources)?
3. Establish a
definite date when you intend to POSSESS
the health you desire.
Obviously, this step in goal setting is
difficult because of factors like
severity and chronicity. Because of
these strong variables, this goal should
be comprised of smaller goals that can
be measured at specific intervals.
- How soon would you reasonably
like to be free of pain?
- When is it possible to return to
- When do you want to feel great?
4. Create a
definite plan for carrying out your
desire, and begin at ONCE, whether you
are ready or not, to put this plan into
You are at Dr. Johnson's office, so
you must be ready now. Together you and
Dr. Johnson will shape this plan to suit
your present condition, your reasonable
ability to improve it, the steps t
accomplishing this and the evaluations
necessary to keep you on course.
5. Write out a
clear, concise statement
of the amount of health you
intend to have, name the time limit for
its acquisition, state what you intend
to give in return for this health, and
describe clearly the plan through which
you intend to acquire it. Dr. Johnson
will help you with this so you have
something concrete to refer to.
6. Read your
written statement aloud, twice daily,
ONCE just after arising in the
morning, and once just before retiring
at night. As you read, see and feel and
believe yourself already in possession
of the health your desire.

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