Our Uniqueness

Effective Methods Help You Regain and Maintain Your Health

Gain Power Over Your Health Problem

The Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center offers one of the best overall combinations of treatment methods and patient education opportunities. Over the years, Karl R.O.S. Johnson, D.C. has taken a holistic approach to health — offering not only gentle, specific, effective chiropractic adjustments but also nutrition counseling, sports injury treatment, rehabilitative spinal exercise programs, percussion, massage therapy, Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA), Nutritional Response Testing (NRT), and Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) -- all designed to help you be the best you can be.

In our practice, you'll discover a complete array of services for your entire family. Through a great number of continuing education courses, Dr. Johnson has mastered the newest and most effective techniques in chiropractic rehabilitative and wellness care as well as nutritional therapy and allergy elimination techniques. The procedures used in our practice are well suited for all ages from infancy to the elderly. Chiropractic and nutrition are quickly advancing fields; and we believe it takes dedication, diligence, and just plain hard work to keep up. But we feel this is essential for the good of our practice members.

At the Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center, we use a comprehensive 3-step approach to correct abnormal physical body function. Our statistics reveal that 90% of our practice members achieve the results they desire. Our approach stems from the desire to enable our patients to become self-reliant and to be in control of their health challenges by being better informed.

Unique 3-Step Approach

STEP 1: We improve the mobility of your spinal joints and related tissues through chiropractic adjustments. Ideally, the end results of a series of chiropractic adjustments are maximum nerve integrity and optimal healing potential. (Chiropractors call this reducing the Vertebral Subluxation Complex).

STEP 2: We show you how to stretch tight spinal ligaments to their normal length. (Ligaments hold your bones together and prevent excessive movement). Ligaments which are too tight will contribute to abnormal joint mechanics and early degeneration of joints. This is critically important in the spine as degenerated spinal joints (Subluxation Degeneration) lead to spinal nerve damage which in turn has devastating effects on human health.

STEP 3: For lasting results, we’ll show you how to strengthen weak or imbalanced supportive muscles of the spine and muscles which aid in creating balance in the spine.

In the clinic, our staff will teach you how to do these exercises. We then prescribe the exercises as therapeutic homework. Periodically during a regular office visit, your exercise program is monitored to be certain you are progressing.

Massage Therapy Used To Relieve Pain

If you have adhesions (scar tissue formation) which develop in your muscles and tendons, we use the VibraCussor® Percussion Instrument or a procedure known as transverse friction massage to remodel the adhesions, improve tissue elasticity, and remove the source of pain. If you have problems with painful trigger points in muscles, we use a VibraCussor® Percussion Instrument, ArthroStim® Myofascial Release Technique or a procedure known as trigger point therapy to eliminate this source of pain. We also have available body work, stretching, reflexology, energy balancing, heat, ice, and the occasional application of herbs with oils.

It is also possible you may need adjustments to restore movement to restricted joints in your feet, shoulders, wrists, hands, knees or ankles. Our comprehensive approach is well suited for sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, shoulder problems and chest pains due to rib joint malfunction.

Support From The Ground Up

If your foot arches are collapsing (a condition known as excessive pronation), we prescribe foot orthotics for correction and support. Good posture starts from the ground up. In other words, problems in the feet and ankles (even though the feet may not be painful), can cause imbalances in the spine and nervous system. For lasting results (and maximum improvement of your problem), your doctor must be concerned about the foundation of your body.

Level of Correction - Your Choice

At the Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center, we also offer choices in the type and direction of care you receive. After you understand your health problem, you are asked to choose between Relief Care and Corrective Care. If you want Relief Care, we adjust only the joints to improve abnormal movement patterns, the first step of the 3-step corrective process. If you want Corrective Care, we provide our full comprehensive approach. All procedures are carefully explained as to their purpose and therapeutic goal, using informative audio-visual and printed material.

Protection From Excess X-Ray

"To see is to know, not to see is to guess." We won't guess with your health. So when x-rays are needed, we use modern radiation safety equipment in order to protect you from excessive x-ray irradiation. We use rare earth film and screens and a soft tissue filtration system.

More Comprehensive Care

By integrating chiropractic care with rehabilitative exercise (such as the Back Power Program), nutrition and a wellness oriented approach, patients enjoy their treatment experience at Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center. Our highly personalized, comprehensive treatment plans are designed and supervised by Dr. Johnson and highly trained assistants. "I treat all patient's as though they were my close family," states Dr. Johnson.

We use Insight Millenniumtm which is a "High Tech", piece of diagnostic equipment to get to the root of your problem. One example is Surface Electrode Electro-Myography (SEMG). This helpful tool produces a graph of the electrical activity of your muscles. The SEMG does not use any needles or electric shocks and is a pleasant experience. Since abnormal muscle function frequently accompanies spinal problems, the information from the SEMG will help Dr. Johnson determine the type of care that is best for your case. In addition, follow up tests may be performed to determine how well you are responding to your chiropractic care.

Specific Nutrition/Supplementation Programs

Many of today's illnesses can be prevented and/or corrected using specific nutritional body chemistry balancing. At the Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center, Dr. Johnson uses the highly acclaimed and effective Contact Reflex Analysis® (CRA) developed, researched, and taught by Dr. D.A. Versendaal and Nutritional Response Testing® (NRT) as developed by Freddie Ulan, D.C.. Using CRA, and/or NRT, Dr. Johnson can determine nutritional imbalances which often lead to such problems as heart disease, digestive problems, migraines, skin conditions, allergies, lack of energy, weight problems, and many others. Once the nutritional disturbance is identified by CONTACT REFLEX ANALYSIS® (CRA) and/or NRT, a nutritional and/or supplementation program is recommended for your problem. Even IF NO OTHER DOCTOR HAS BEEN ABLE TO HELP WITH YOUR CONDITION, YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT CRA and NRT! Results with these nutritional programs are often incredible. Through CRA and NRT many chronic problems can be corrected or greatly relieved.

As an added benefit, Dr. Johnson has been certified in Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques® (NAET). Allergies of all kinds plague millions of people. Through a simple allergy elimination program, Dr. Johnson has been able to eliminate many allergies from foods to chemicals to many environmental allergens. Let us help you become the best you can be!

Enjoying time with family and friends is possible for you when you are expressing your true health potential. You may be able to overcome your health problems with a personalized clinical nutrition program (in combination with chiropractic methods or with nutrition alone). Dr. Johnson continuously receives extensive training in CRA, NRT, NAET and other clinical nutrition therapies. As a result, Dr. Johnson is well equipped to work with you in regaining and maintaining your most prized possession...YOUR HEALTH.

State-of-the-Art Procedures

In summary, adjustments alone aren't the total solution to a patient's problems. A comprehensive personalized exercise program emphasizing both flexibility and strength is vital to long-term results. Your posture from the ground up is as important as a well-delivered adjustment. Without a stable foot foundation, adjustments won't "hold" and soft tissues can't be balanced. Secondary factors associated with chronic spinal subluxations -- such as trigger points and fibrotic changes (scar tissue) in the muscles tendons and ligaments -- need to be addressed with special treatment procedures. Both of these soft tissue lesions create pain and cause recurrent spinal subluxation complexes.

To sum up our structural approach at the Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center, we first establish joint play mobility through various adjustment procedures, then establish flexibility of the ligaments through the Spinal Ligament Fulcrum Program, and finally strengthen and BALANCE the supportive muscles of the spine and related areas which affect the spine using the Back Power Plustm program.

The aim of this comprehensive approach is to improve the communication connection between your brain and your body....so as to optimize the inborn healing power you began life with!

"When you are in pain or ill health and not sure what's wrong, I'm here to help you understand what is wrong and work with you to relieve your pain,: said Dr. Johnson. "I have been able to profoundly help over 90% of my patients reduce or alleviate their health problem and resume a normal, happy productive life. I can help you add years to your life -- and life to your years."

"How can I do that? I've completed over 4,500 hours of classroom instruction and passed a rigid chiropractic board exam to earn my license. Additionally, I complete several continuing education courses yearly to renew my license. Even beyond that, I've taken a holistic approach to health, offering not only gentle, specific, effective chiropractic adjustments but also nutrition counseling, sports injury treatment, rehabilitative spinal exercise programs, and our many nutrition programs—all designed to help you be the best you can be. Come in and see how affordable real health care is. Our office is happy to offer special payment plans. Enjoy optimized health!”

Fill in this form or call us now:

586-731-8840 or 586-726-KIDS


Karl R.O.S. Johnson, D.C., F.I.C.P.A., L.C.P.

Disclaimer: The health care information and procedures contained in this web site are not intended as a substitute for consulting your healthcare practitioner. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness using the information in this site should come under the direction of a qualified healthcare practitioner who is familiar with this healthcare information. Because there is always some risk involved, the web master is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions or procedures in this site. Please do not use the information in this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk. All matters regarding your health should be supervised by your healthcare practitioner
Chiropractic & Nutrition
Wellness Center
586-731-8840 or 586-726-KIDS

51735 Van Dyke Avenue
Shelby Township, MI 48316

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Notice: Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson is state licensed by the chiropractic board in Michigan to provide conventional chiropractic health care services and is also licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association to provide natural health services and therapies to registered members of the Member Share Network. Conventional chiropractic and pastoral services are completely separate services and each is provided in strict compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by the separate licensing agencies. If you wish to receive natural health services you must first register. Member registration is free and may be completed on-line here or in our office by signing the Member Share Agreement. Note that if you have a complaint on our services you must direct complaints to the appropriate licensing board. For complaints regarding any state licensed services contact the state Michigan chiropractic board. Complaints regarding natural health services must be directed to the Pastoral Medical Association.

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