Quality of Life Improved
I believe Dr. Johnson and his staff are
well trained in all phases of
chiropractic therapy. I especially like
the natural products that are used in
his approach to many health problems
that are due to bad nutrition. I am made
to feel right at home and enjoy each
I have had a lower back problem for many
years that has caused me unbearable
pain. I have gone to several medical
doctors and I was not satisfied with the
results. A patient of Dr. Johnson
recommended that I try Chiropractic
treatment. With a few tests, Dr. Johnson
made an evaluation of my condition and
started treatments. Since the
treatments, my quality of life is very
much improved along with my back
Moreover, my wife, Janet, developed a
severe case of vertigo causing her
severe dizziness in a prone position.
Janet went to her internist, and, after
several tests, she was given Antivert
with the hope that it would go away in
time. It did not go away. Janet then
sought treatment at Dr. Johnson’s
Chiropractic Clinic. With no
prescriptions and only three treatments,
the vertigo was gone and has not
returned! Her internist was also
impressed with the results.
In conclusion I sincerely believe
Chiropractic treatment can greatly
improve the quality of life by repairing
the nervous system that causes many of
the medical problems that occur. Also,
your health is much improved by the
nutritional information you receive.
John and Janet Petty
Sterling Heights, MI
Help with Vertigo, Brain Fog, Neck Stiffness and Headaches
Several months ago I came to Dr. Johnson
seeking help for my vertigo and brain
fog. I’m a math tutor and had difficulty
Dr. Johnson told me that I had a heavy
metal build up in my system. I took
supplements and noticed a difference
within a month. I felt more refreshed
and it was easier to concentrate. But it
wasn’t until I combined the nutrition
with the chiropractic that I really
noticed a difference.
After my first adjustment, it was like
euphoria. My vertigo cleared up and I
could turn my head. Before the
adjustments, I couldn’t turn my head
around in the car to see my children in
the back seat. Also, I couldn’t look up.
Now I can do both. I have more
flexibility in my neck and no more
I’m really thankful that I found Dr.
Johnson. He’s helping me and my family.
Linda Chaloult
Rochester Hills, MI
For over six years, I had been suffering
from dizziness and leaning. I also had
to live with headaches every day. My
medical doctors had attributed my
problems to my diabetes, so I thought I
had to live with it. Then my daughter
convinced my wife to bring me to see Dr.
Johnson. The people here were
professional and friendly. I was given
an exam and had everything explained by
Dr. Johnson.
Soon after getting regular adjustments,
I realized that I wasn’t dizzy anymore.
I’m beginning to feel better all over
and have more energy too.
Eugene C. Allen
Madison Hgts., MI
The Non-Existent Inner Ear Problem
I have been seeing a chiropractor (not
Dr. Karl) for four years for herniated
and degenerative discs in my back/neck
area. My doctor referred me to physical
therapy last summer (2005). While there,
one of the machines kept malfunctioning
(where the head part would stick and not
slide back and forth) while the body
kept sliding. I began experiencing
dizziness. I had dizziness when
standing, and even when I was lying in
bed and turned my head ever so slightly,
the room would begin to spin.
I visited many doctors over the past
year — my chiropractor, two internists,
a masseuse, etc. They all told me it had
to be an inner ear problem and that I
should see an ENT (Ear, Nose, and
Throat) specialist.
I am a new patient of Dr. Karl and when
I mentioned this problem to him, he knew
right away what to do. He adjusted my
occiput. The dizziness has completely
disappeared. I feel like a new person
thanks to Dr. Karl. (By the way, I did
go to my appointment with the ENT and he
told me there was nothing wrong with my
inner ear or hearing; and if I
experienced dizziness again, to make
another appointment with him.)
If it had not been for Dr. Karl, I have
no doubt that I would still be having
dizziness today.
Karen Novak
Troy, MI