What is a Subluxation?
By Tedd Koren, D.C.
A kind of
super-intelligence exists in each of us,
infinitely smarter and possessed of
technical know-how far beyond our
present understanding"
Lewis Thomas, M.D. The Medusa and the
"A new medicine
is in the making -
one in which mind, consciousness,
meaning and intelligence play key
Larry Dossey, M.D. Space, Time and
"Life is the center where the
material and the spiritual forces of the
Universe seem to meet and be
Edward Sinnot, renown Yale biologist
corrects the hidden distortions within
Cash Asher, Mrs. Civilization's Children
What exactly is the chiropractic
vertebral subluxation? There is
something there, no doubt with nearly
300 terms for this elusive entity in the
chiropractic and bio-medical journals
(1) and yet it defies precise
definition. We still can't say, "It is
exactly this."
Most people agree that the VS affects
the skeletal, muscular, and nervous
systems. But why stop there? Studies in
psychoneuroimmunology reveal that it's
impossible to restrict our nervous
system to our brain, spinal cord and
peripheral nerves and plexuses. Our
nervous system is entwined with our
immune, endocrine, cardiorespiratory and
digestive systems (among others). But
why stop even there? Over a hundred
years of clinical observation and
research shows the VS affects our
psychological health as well.
By why should that surprise us? The VS
is not only a tangible condition, it has
non-physical qualities: it interferes
with the transmission of "mental
impulses," which our
Innate Intelligence (the wisdom of
the body, the organizing principle of
the body) uses to govern an organism's
This "thing" we call the vertebral
subluxation is ultimately an information
disorder. The subluxated individual's
lines of communication are interfered
with and he/she is less connected to
their Source, less responsive to its
commands, less able to comprehend and
adapt to their environment. The result
is altered body/mind function (symptoms)
and altered ability to maintain
How can we prove the VS exists and
causes dis-ease or disease? On the
surface this seems an impossible task.
How can you prove the existence of a
disorder that has a physical and a
non-physical component, and cannot be
precisely defined?
The vertebral subluxation is really an
abstraction. It is a term used by
chiropractors, chiropractic researchers
and educators, to explain the success of
the chiropractic adjustment. No one has
ever seen a subluxation. It is quite
possible no one ever will.
Consider the electron or gravity. Apples
fall from trees so we invent the concept
of gravity. No one has seen gravity, no
one knows how it works or if it is the
best way to describe the force that
attracts bodies with mass. Their
existence is inferred by observation. In
the same way we have electrical
phenomena so we hypothesize that
electricity is flowing "electrons" to
explain this phenomena.
Isn't life no different? No one has seen
"life." No one can isolate life and put
it in a test tube. As Nobel Prize
laureate Albert-Szent Gyorgy, M.D.,
Ph.D. says in his beautiful essay
(appropriately named), "What is life?":
Life in itself does not exist. No one
has seen or measured life. Life is
always linked to material systems; what
man sees and measures are living systems
of matter. Life is not a thing to be
studied; rather, 'being alive' is a
quality of some physical systems. (2)
Similarly, the VS has never been
observed. It is linked to material
systems. Being part of a living system
the VS cannot be studied in isolation.
In removing it from the body (if we
could) we would denature it just as we
do to cells when we stain them and shine
light (or x-rays) through them for
observation. We must be very careful in
studying this condition in isolation.
Dr. Gyorgy experienced this in his own
As scientists attempt to understand a
living system, they move down from
dimension to dimension, from one level
of complexity to the next lower level. I
followed this course in my own studies.
I went from anatomy to the study of
tissues, then to electron microscopy and
chemistry, and finally to quantum
mechanics. This downward journey through
the scale of dimensions has its irony,
for in my search for the secret of life,
I ended up with atoms and electrons,
which have no life at all. Somewhere
along the line life has run out through
my fingers. So, in my old age, I am now
retracing my steps, trying to fight my
way back...(3)
We observe not the subluxation, per se,
but its effects; not the adjustment but
it's effects. We cannot study the
subluxation or adjustment independent of
the physical, emotional, spiritual
person in which it resides. If we spend
our resources in this manner we will
discover that what we are looking for
"has run out through [our] fingers." The
famous pathologist William Boyd, M.D.
bemoans our unfortunate tendency to
reduce biological processes to things we
can comfortably measure and see:
Medicine can never be purely a science;
it contains too many immeasurables. The
patient with heart disease is not just
an internal combustion engine with a
leaking valve but a sensitive human
being with a diseased heart. Disease in
man is never exactly the same as disease
in the experimental animal, for in man
the emotions come into play. It may be
the man or woman rather than the disease
that needs to be treated. There is
always the psyche to be considered as
well as the soma. (4)
We may never fully understand the
mechanism of the subluxation, but
adjustments got people better in 1895
when our understanding of the mechanism
was terribly limited compared to today
and gets people better today even though
today's understanding of the VS will be
dwarfed by what we learn tomorrow.
Should we stop adjusting until we know
more of the mechanism? Of course not.
Knowing the mechanism is no more than a
head trip when compared to the true test
of a healing art - is the patient better
connected to their source of life? "Even
the wisest of doctors are relying on
scientific truths, the errors of which
will be recognized within a few years
time." Marcel Proust
So how do we "prove" the VS? The
"proving" is best done using vitalist,
Empirical procedures, which are best
suited for our profession, rather than
mechanistic, reductionist ones which
modern medicine is so infatuated with.
By that I mean we learn about the nature
of the VS, what it causes and how it
affects human physiology by observing
subluxated patients before and after
adjustments. We scientifically prove a
subluxation every time a baby no longer
has colic, vision or hearing improves,
digestion or elimination gets better or
depression or low back pain resolves. We
have over a century of such observation
that is more useful than the
methodologically grotesque and wasteful
controlled clinical trial and animal
We must continue to do what every great
scientist does - gain insight into the
laws of life by objectively observe
living patients. We have many tools
today to aid us: leg checks, x-ray, MRI,
CT, PET scans, blood pressure, pulse,
heart rate variability, ECG,
respiration, skin radiation, body
balance, subjective and objective
symptoms, posture, gait and range of
motion, palpation, EEG, biofeedback,
vision and hearing, craniosacral
rhythms, meningeal and CSF analyses,
blood/urine analyses, autonomic
function, neurologic and orthopedic
tests, applied kinesiology and perhaps
even psychological tests, among others,
to assess the changes in physiology
before and after an adjustment.
The Chinese and Ayurvedic medical
systems have many subtle tools to
analyze a patient which may be useful to
us. For example, in those systems each
person has many pulses in each wrist
that correspond to meridians of life
energy associated with internal organ
systems and emotions. Each pulse has
many qualities that are significant.
Such a system makes western medicine
look primitive by comparison. These
systems also analyze a patient's voice,
body odor and face color among others.
Other possible tools may include
studying the location of energy cysts
which are believed to be pockets of
trapped or unresolved physical or
emotional energy caused by trauma that
can be detected and released. (5) Auras
or energy patterns that only highly
skilled, trained or naturally sensitive
individuals can detect may prove
valuable in subluxation research since
the subluxation is partially immaterial
- the interference with the transmission
of mental impulses. The science of
energy medicine may help us understand
this intangible aspect of the
Are we getting too "way out" for you?
Remember, what is laughed at today may
be the dogma of tomorrow. Let us keep an
open mind and not get too locked into
intellectual thinking or our profession
risks becoming as sterile and arrogant
as medicine. As Bernie Siegel, M.D.
author of Love, Medicine and Miracles
says, "If you think your path in life
must be logical, then you are
Robert Becker, M.D., an orthopedic
surgeon, has written one of the most
powerful "chiropractic" passages I've
ever come across, reminding us of the
intangible nature of life, disease and
The healer's job has always been to
release something not understood, to
remove obstructions...between the sick
patient and the force of life driving
obscurely towards wholeness...The gulf
between folk therapy and our own
stainless-steel version is illusory.
Western medicine springs from the same
roots and, in the final analysis, acts
through the same little-understood
forces as its country cousins. Our
doctors ignore this kinship at their-and
worse, their patients'-peril. All
worthwhile medical research and every
medicine man's intuition is part of the
same quest for knowledge of the same
elusive healing energy. (6)
Healing is magical, mysterious,
wondrous. It is a physical, emotional,
spiritual journey that both doctor and
patient are on. Dr. John Upledger, the
developer of craniosacral therapy, once
told me, "Every patient has something to
teach us." Empiricists or vitalists
listen and learn from their patients.
Unrestricted by intellectual dogma or
scientism, we discover the laws of life
by studying living things functioning in
health and disease, subluxated and
unsubluxated knowing that test tubes and
experimental animals are not the same as
humans. As DD Palmer learned from his
patients so we too may make wondrous
discoveries from ours, to further
understand and connect to the life,
love, healing and happiness that is our
1. Rome PL.
Usage of chiropractic terminology in the
literature: 296 ways to say "subluxation":
complex issues of the vertebral
subluxation. Chiropractic Technique.
2. Gyorgy A. "What is Life?" In The
Physical Basis of Life. Del Mar, CA: CRM
Books, 1972.
3. Ibid p.5.
4. Boyd W. A Textbook of Pathology.
Seventh Edition. Philadelphia: Lea &
Febiger, p. 5.
5. Upledger J. Somatoemotional Release
and Beyond. Palm Beach Gardens, FL: UI
Publishing Co, 1990.
6. Becker RO, Seldon G. The Body
Electric. New York: William Morrow and
Company, Inc., 1985;.29.