At Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness
Center we offer fundamental nutritional
and educational support. Here are a few
of the most important items available at
our office.
to these audios to discover the
magic behind Whole Food Supplements
Vitamins Part 1
Vitamins Part 2
"Candy, all white sugar or its
products, and white flour
including its products such as
macaroni, spaghetti, crackers,
etc., should be absolutely
barred from the diet of the
child. All these are
energy-producing foods that
contain no building materials
for the body. The consequences
of their toleration are
susceptibility to infections,
enlarged tonsils, carious teeth,
unruly dispositions, stunted
growth, rickets, maldevelopment
and very often permanent damage
to many organs of the body
(especially the endocrine
glands) that depend upon the
vitamin supply for their normal
function and development." -
October 2, 1933
Tired of Fad
Diets? Finally, a user friendly
resource book, written by Lorrie
Medford, C.N., that will not only
tell you why you can't lose weight,
even after all the efforts you've
made, but -- more importantly -- how
you can! In this book, we'll look at
the real causes of overeating and
weight gain and you'll understand
why getting healthier is your key to
permanent weight loss.
Healthy cooking made easy. This
cookbook is a companion to
Lorrie Medford's weight loss
book, Why Can't I lose
Weight? Packed with recipes
and tips on eating for safe
weight loss, it tells you how to
prepare easy, nutritious meals
for people with a busy schedule.
Lorrie has compiled more than
170 recipes from her many years
of experience teaching natural
foods cooking classes.
Pick up one of these cool caps which capture the essence of Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center's mission statement. They have a low profile and an extra long bill. The back of the hat sports our logo. Perfect for outdoors. Add your favorite pair of sunglasses and your stylin!
Chiropractic First
by Terry A. Rondberg,
chiropractic promoter and
practitioner Rondberg pitches this
guidebook to the general public. He
tells us about D. D. and B. J.
Palmer, father and son, who
discovered and built chiropractic,
then outlines chiropractic
principles and activities. Vertebral
subluxation (misalignment of
vertebrae), now usually called nerve
interference, is, chiropractic
maintains, the cause of most human
ills. Chiropractors use X rays to
identify this problem and correct it
by adjustment (often called
manipulation by laypersons). The
body's innate intelligence is said
to be its ruling force, and
chiropractors assist its full use.
Children, middle-aged, and elderly
alike can benefit from chiropractic,
which deserves a high place in
health care because it concentrates
on causes rather than effects or
symptoms and is not expensive.
Reviews and Benefits of Reading
This Book:
Anyone who wants to know the
history and basics on
Chiropractic should read this
book. It has great information
that makes sense and stories to
go with it. Read this book if
you want to be better educated
about Chiropractic. You won't be
able to put this one down
If you want to know what the
heart and soul of the
chiropractic profession is all
about read this book. It is
about time someone explained the
purpose of chiropractic in
simple basic terms anyone can
understand. Rondberg has
provided the world with a
timeless overview of the
chiropractic profession in a
professional, concise and well
written style.
This book is clear, concise
and non-confrontational, but
presents the point of
chiropractic in a
non-threatening way. It makes
sense and is easy to read while
very informative at the same
Going Back to the Basics of Human
Mary Frost, M.A.
People are thirsty for this
information. Unfortunately, most
people read the same things over and
over again about health and
nutrition. They know the language.
They have read the intimate details
of how and why to eat low fat, and
have read books or articles on how
some "new vitamin" will cure a
disease. Most people assume that if
they know these things, they then
know a lot about health and
nutrition. What they are really
learning are fads, trends, and
bold-faced lies. The microbites of
true nutritional information are
buried underneath these erroneous
"health facts".
So, how do you find these hidden
facts? What do you need to know that
plants your feet firmly in the
truth, so that everything starts to
become crystal clear? Going Back
to the Basics of Human Health
starts your voyage into the dark
worlds of food, supplement, and
medical politics. Hopefully, it will
give you a new view of "high-tech"
as it is applied to your health.
Mankind, through science, has
developed rockets that take us to
the moon, telescopes that can see
Mars, magnetic resonating devices
that can see inside the human body,
computers, and all sorts of gadgets
that have totally changed the way we
live. So the assumption is made that
the same scientific care that is
taken in getting a rocket off the
ground has been taken and is being
taken in keeping us well. Not so!
Very few people are truly well.
The news media has labeled it a
health care crisis because the
majority of people cannot pay their
lifetime medical expenses... and no
one else can either. We are led from
one "new scientific breakthrough" to
another, from one "new medical
discovery" to another, and yet
people are getting more and more
sick. Millions of people suffer from
indigestion, insomnia, depression,
cancer, diabetes, heart disease,
fatigue, ADD, infertility, obesity,
frequent colds that they can't get
over, asthma, impotency, and
hormonal problems, just to name a
Most of what we see and hear is
manipulated to wipe out our common
sense and convince us that this is
just the way it is. People become
lulled into complacency when they
should be outraged. How many people
notice how prevalent being sick in
our society really is? If they don't
see it in the news over and over
again, they figure that is just
isn't so. But, many pertinent health
issues do not make the front-page
news because most journalists obtain
their information from statements
given to them by organizations or
individuals that have vested
"Knowledge is Power" is an often
quoted phrase. Being educated helps
one make informed decisions about
anything in life. One of the
interesting things about Going
Back to the Basics of Human Health
is that the doctors quoted in the
latter part of the book are
themselves ignorant of the
information in the first two-thirds
of the book. By reading this book,
you know more than most health
professionals do today. By reading
the suggested reading list, you will
know more than you thought possible.
The health care information and procedures contained in
this web site are not intended as a substitute for
consulting your healthcare practitioner. Any attempt to
diagnose and treat an illness using the information in
this site should come under the direction of a qualified
healthcare practitioner who is familiar with this
healthcare information. Because there is always some
risk involved, the web master is not responsible for any
adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use
of any of the suggestions or procedures in this site.
Please do not use the information in this web site if
you are not willing to assume the risk. All matters
regarding your health should be supervised by your
healthcare practitioner
Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson is
state licensed by the chiropractic board in
Michigan to provide conventional chiropractic
health care services and is also licensed by the
Pastoral Medical
Association to provide natural health
services and therapies to registered members of
Member Share Network.
Conventional chiropractic and pastoral services
are completely separate services and each is
provided in strict compliance with the rules and
regulations set forth by the separate licensing
agencies. If you wish to receive natural health
services you must first register. Member
registration is free and may be completed
on-line here or
in our office by signing the Member Share
Agreement. Note that if you have a complaint on
our services you must direct complaints to the
appropriate licensing board. For complaints
regarding any state licensed services contact
the state Michigan chiropractic board.
Complaints regarding natural health services
must be directed to the
Pastoral Medical
Fair Use Notice: The material on
this site is provided for educational and
informational purposes. It may contain
copyrighted material the use of which has not
always been specifically authorized by the
copyright owner. It is being made available in
an effort to advance the understanding of
scientific, environmental, economic, social
justice and human rights issues etc. It is
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any such copyrighted material as provided for in
section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In
accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the
material on this site is distributed without
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the included information for research and
educational purposes. If you wish to use
copyrighted material from this site for purposes
of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must
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information on this site does not constitute
legal or technical advice.