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Body Reflex Testing

At Chiropractic & Nutrition Wellness Center we strive to help you maximize your health so you can express your health potential. Several key health care approaches are carefully blended and used to evaluate each individual.

EVERY PERSON IS UNIQUE and has particular sensitivities to emotional, environmental, and physical stimuli. Because no two people are alike, each person has his or her own specific sensitivities. When the body is out of balance and is experiencing pain or illness, those individual sensitivities must be identified to be treated.
DR. JOHNSON TREATS EACH PERSON as distinct and special, and his treatments are designed to recognize those individualities. During treatment, interference that causes neural blocks in the body are removed allowing your system to achieve it's natural state of optimal health.
THE BRAIN IS THE MASTER control center of the body, including the neuromusculature. Through the combination of a variety of body reflex techniques using muscle testing including:

Weaknesses can be determined in any of the systems of the body. These body reflex techniques use your own muscle resistance, are simple and painless, and can determine the origin of the blockage or condition in the body.
THE BODY'S REFLEX POINTS, which are similar but not the same as acupuncture points, are activated by touch. Your body will exhibit weakness through FNMT within a corresponding system, as the reflex points are touched. These reflex points correspond to hundreds of conditions or deficiencies within the body. By going through these points, a variety of problems can be analyzed. The list of possiblities for imbalance within the body are endless. Trauma from injury, emotional distress, environmental or chemical toxins, food allergies, medications, nutrition, infection, and heavy-metal poisoning are just a few.
IN ADDITION TO DIAGNOSING neural blockage, Dr. Johnson will physically adjust any bones out of alignment and help restore your body to it's natural balance. Dr. Johnson specializes in a variety of gentle, effective adjustments. It is his belief that external trauma has caused a bone to move out of alignment (which may or may not be causing discomfort or pain) or that the body is experiencing an allergic reaction to an outside stimulus such as food or environmental toxins. Such trauma or allergic reaction can create a physical imbalance.
DR. JOHNSON MAY ALSO RECOMMEND whole food nutritional supplements, homeopathic remedies, or herbal supplements to assist you in feeling better. Dr. Johnson's philosophy embraces preventative intervention to heal and restore the body's balance. You will experience relief from pain, an improved immune system, and a healthy, more energetic body.
THROUGH HIS TREATMENTS and techniques, Dr. Johnson will assist you in discovering your body's true energy.

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Dr. Johnson has been in active practice for over 23 years and has advanced certification in:

  • Chiropractic pediatrics from the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association
  • Clinical Nutrition (CRA®) from Parker College of Chiropractic
  • Motion Palpation from Motion Palpation Institute
  • Advanced Level II Certification in Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)
  • Training in Nutrition Response Testing by Dr. Fred Ulan and Dr. Lester Bryman
  • Fellow of The Institute For Human Individuality (Registration Number A-569)

Contact Reflex Analysis®

Contact Reflex Analysis, also known as CRA®, is a simple safe, natural method of analyzing the body's structural, physical and nutritional needs. A deficiency in any of these areas could cause or contribute to various acute or chronic health problems.

CRA is not a method of diagnosis. It is a means by which the body's own reflexes are used to accurately determine the root cause of a health problem.

CRA is also a marvelous preventative technique used to find a problem before it becomes a full blown health issue. Find it early and correct it.

Tell Me More About CRA®
  • Explore further information about how CRA and designed clinical nutrition works to help you regain your health.

CRA® and Contact Reflex Analysis® is a service mark owned by Dawn Hoezee and is used with her permission.

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Nutritional Response Testing

What Is Nutritional Response Testing (NRT)?

NRT is a structured form of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Feedback testing developed initially by Drs. Klinghardt, M.D., Ph.D. and Louisa Williams, D.C., N.D. and recently enhanced by Drs. Klinghardt and Yoshiaki Omura, M.D.

NRT is a verifiable and reproducible discipline of which uses muscle testing to analyze autonomic nervous system (ANS) disturbances. Problems with ANS function will ultimately cause disease and/or breakdown of any organs and tissues. It is based on the currently known neurological anatomy and physiology of the ANS

ANS Problems and Potential Corrective Options

Through the structured discipline of the NRT test, the priorities of ANS problems are determined, so they can be addressed for correction.

Since the ANS is the functional nervous system affecting every organ, tissue and cell, the information derived from NRT can be very helpful to understand the root cause of health problems and pain.

NRT testing functions as an analytical biofeedback assessment tool (finding where and what the problems are). NRT can also be used to predict outcome of health improvement programs. Through NRT, various remedies that may be beneficial for correcting the cause of conditions can be evaluated for their potential effectiveness. This prioritizing part of the NRT test is invaluable to help decide which approach will be best for the patient at this time, which remedies could be predicted to have the most beneficial effect and even what dosage is most appropriate.

Read What Our Nutrition Practice Members Have to Say

Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET)

Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques or NAET for short, is a holistic, non-invasive treatment used in eliminating food and environmental allergies permanently. It was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad, in Buena Park, California.

Read What Our Nutrition Practice Members Have to Say


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Karl R.O.S. Johnson, D.C., F.I.C.P.A., L.C.P.

Disclaimer: The health care information and procedures contained in this web site are not intended as a substitute for consulting your healthcare practitioner. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness using the information in this site should come under the direction of a qualified healthcare practitioner who is familiar with this healthcare information. Because there is always some risk involved, the web master is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions or procedures in this site. Please do not use the information in this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk. All matters regarding your health should be supervised by your healthcare practitioner
Chiropractic & Nutrition
Wellness Center
586-731-8840 or 586-726-KIDS

51735 Van Dyke Avenue
Shelby Township, MI 48316

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Notice: Dr. Karl R.O.S. Johnson is state licensed by the chiropractic board in Michigan to provide conventional chiropractic health care services and is also licensed by the Pastoral Medical Association to provide natural health services and therapies to registered members of the Member Share Network. Conventional chiropractic and pastoral services are completely separate services and each is provided in strict compliance with the rules and regulations set forth by the separate licensing agencies. If you wish to receive natural health services you must first register. Member registration is free and may be completed on-line here or in our office by signing the Member Share Agreement. Note that if you have a complaint on our services you must direct complaints to the appropriate licensing board. For complaints regarding any state licensed services contact the state Michigan chiropractic board. Complaints regarding natural health services must be directed to the Pastoral Medical Association.

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