The Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Test is well researched and provides
a quick and easy assessment of
autonomic nervous system function.
The autonomic nervous system (ANS)
regulates the heart, breathing,
circulation, body temperature,
digestion, metabolism, and hormones,
among other vital functions.
The Heart Rate
Variability* (“HRV”) Test, was
originally developed as a screening
tool to enable scientists to
determine the health level and
degree of functioning of the
involuntary nervous system.
Thousands of the healthiest athletes
and others in superior health were
studied over a period of two decades
to identify the common denominators
of health. A computer program based
on this database of approximately
20,000 of the healthiest people was
developed for use in checking the
health status of the general public.
The test examines
the heart rhythms and its
comparing resting to its response to
mild stress (changing positions from
lying down to standing up). The
ability of the heart to compensate
for and recover from this
“challenge” gives a “snapshot” of
the functioning of the involuntary
nervous system (also called the
“Autonomic Nervous System”). The
computer then generates a graphic
picture of this function which is
useful in assessing level of
physical health compared to optimal