This survey has been developed over
twenty years of clinical trials by
renowned physicians, clinical
nutritionists and scientists.
It is designed to evaluate the
physiological and biochemical processes
which are preventing you from enjoying
This survey is divided into 14 sections
which help me analyze your various body
systems that are related to your
ultimate health. You will notice
questions repeat with different wordings
in multiple sections. Since they are
directed at different objectives, please
complete all of them.
Can you Trust?
I think we
can all agree that taking unnecessary
medication may be hazardous to our
health. The medical literature clearly
demonstrates that natural therapies,
especially specific nutrition
supplements can reduce your risk of
falling victim to many of today's
degenerative conditions. Register and
complete the survey and I will
communicate with you by return e-mail,
with a detailed report specific to your
health and nutrition concerns!
I assure you that your
survey will be held in strictest
confidence. None of your personal data
will be given to any third party. You
have my word on that!
review my privacy practices so that you
understand how I use the information you
leave with me through this website!
R.O.S. Johnson, D.C., F.I.C.P.A., L.C.P.