Childhood Asthma Better After First Adjustment!
Since he was four months old, my son
Nathan has suffered from severe asthma
attacks, especially with colds. I would
get up in the middle of the night to
give him breathing treatments.
For several months, Nathan has been
treated for his allergies. His
treatments have been quite successful,
but he still was having asthma attacks.
I got to the point where he was waking
up every night with a coughing fit due
to the asthma. I talked to Dr. Johnson
about chiropractic adjustments.
After his first adjustment, Nathan only
had a couple of asthma attacks. Then
after his second adjustment, Nathan only
had one attack and it was so minor that
I didn’t need to give him the complete
breathing treatment. I am so happy the
adjustments have helped.
Thanks, Dr. Johnson, for all your help
with Nathan.
Christy Tuckfield
Romeo, MI
Thank You!
My sons Mathew and Michael both started
seeing Dr. Johnson in March of 1999.
Michael suffered from asthma,
nervousness, anxiety, and allergies. I’d
had him on many different prescriptions
for all his problems, from pills to
shots to inhalers.
Now, two months later, he is a new
child. The asthma is gone for all
practical purposes. He started acting
like he was going to have an asthma
attack a few weeks ago and I brought him
to Dr. Johnson. Within five minutes of
having an adjustment, Michael was his
old self again and he had no attack. He
is now in control of himself. His
nervousness is gone and he is much
happier and healthier.
Mathew has suffered from ear infections
since he was a baby. For the past two
years he has been on antibiotics several
times. He also wanted his back rubbed
often and for long periods. Apparently,
it hurt him.
Since starting chiropractic care, Mathew
doesn’t need so many back rubs and for
much shorter periods. He is also off his
prescriptions. Now he takes his
supplements and is much healthier.
Thanks Dr. Johnson for the great work
with my boys. I would certainly
recommend you and your clinic to
Shelby Township, MI